Philatelic stamps and accessories, guaranteed quality and excellent prices
Sold out
1,400.00 lei RONRomania 1861 Cap de bour emisiunea a II-a 40PAR albastru-verzui, tipar ancrasat pe fragment stampila FRANCO FOKSCHANY
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
100.00 lei RONRomania 1871 Carol I cu barba dantelat 5 BANI rosu pe fragment stampila BUCURESCI
Stamps MallTimbre Romania, diferite tematici si perioade, clasice, postclasice, moderne, contemporane, actuale
Sold out
150.00 lei RONRomania 1871 Carol I cu barba nedantelat 5 BANI carmin stampila BERLAD
Stamps MallTimbre Romania, diferite tematici si perioade, clasice, postclasice, moderne, contemporane, actuale
Sold out
125.00 lei RONRomania 1869 Carol I cu favoriti 10B albastru pe fragment stampila GALATI
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
250.00 lei RONRomania 1862 Principatele Unite 30PAR tipar de mana pe fragment de scisoare stampila ZIMNICEA
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
250.00 lei RONRomania 1862 Principatele Unite 30PAR tipar de mana pereche stampila CRAIOVA
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
300.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Principatele Unite 30PAR tipar de masina tip I pereche
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
2,000.00 lei RONRomania 1862 Principatele Unite 6PAR tipar de mana bloc x4
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
300.00 lei RONRomania 1862 Principatele Unite 3PAR tipar de mana galben-portocaliu stampilat
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
275.00 lei RONRomania 1876 Carol I Bucuresti ESEU 50B gri maroniu pe hartie carton (RAR!)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
200.00 lei RONRomania 1876 Carol I Bucuresti ESEU 25B roz
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
200.00 lei RONRomania 1876 Carol I Bucuresti ESEU 5B brun inchis
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
200.00 lei RONRomania 1876 Carol I Bucuresti ESEU 5B vermillon
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
300.00 lei RONRomania 1876 Carol I Bucuresti ESEU 5B bistru pe hartie carton (RAR!)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
200.00 lei RONRomania 1876 Carol I Bucuresti ESEU 10B albastru
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
250.00 lei RONRomania 1872 Carol I Paris ESEU 1 1/2B caramiziu
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
250.00 lei RONRomania 1872 Carol I Paris ESEU 25B portocaliu inchis
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
175.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 5PAR albastru tip I (inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
175.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 5PAR gri albastrui tip I (inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
175.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 20PAR portocaliu tip I (inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
175.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 20PAR albastru tip I (inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
175.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 2PAR albastru tip I (inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
175.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 5PAR brun roscat tip I (inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
175.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 5PAR brun deschis tip I (inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
175.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 5PAR brun tip I (inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
175.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 5PAR visiniu tip I (inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
175.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 5PAR caramiziu tip I (inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
175.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 5PAR caramiziu tip I (inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
175.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 5PAR verde deschis tip I (inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
175.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 5PAR verde inchis tip I (inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
175.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 5PAR albastru tip I (inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
425.00 lei RONRomania 1855 Carol I Cifra in patru colturi ESEU 25BANI visiniu pereche
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
425.00 lei RONRomania 1855 Carol I Cifra in patru colturi ESEU 25BANI brun visiniu pereche
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
425.00 lei RONRomania 1855 Carol I Cifra in patru colturi ESEU 25BANI portocaliu pereche
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
500.00 lei RONRomania 1855 Carol I Cifra in patru colturi ESEU 25BANI maro (RAR!) pereche
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
350.00 lei RONRomania 1885 Carol I Vulturi ESEU 5BANI hartie crem
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
350.00 lei RONRomania 1885 Carol I Vulturi ESEU 5BANI hartie galbuie
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
350.00 lei RONRomania 1885 Carol I Vulturi ESEU 5BANI hartie gri indigo
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
350.00 lei RONRomania 1885 Carol I Vulturi ESEU 1 1/2BANI hartie crem
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
280.00 lei RONRomania 1885 Carol I Vulturi ESEU 3BANI hartie crem
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
280.00 lei RONRomania 1885 Carol I Vulturi ESEU 1 1/2BANI hartie albastruie
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
350.00 lei RONRomania 1885 Carol I Vulturi ESEU 1 1/2BANI hartie gri albastruie
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
60.00 lei RONRomania 2012 Fiare de calcat I minicoala de 8 timbre + 1 vinieta
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
40.00 lei RONRomania 2011 Anul International al Chimiei minicoala de 8 timbre + 1 vinieta
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
50.00 lei RONRomania 2012 125 de ani - Institutul National Victor Babes minicoala de 8 timbre + 1 vinieta
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
10.00 lei RONRomania 2012 100 de ani - Federatia Romana de Atletism minicoala de 8 timbre + 1 vinieta
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
10.00 lei RONRomania 2012 Sfintele Pasti minicoala de 8 timbre + 1 vinieta
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
40.00 lei RONRomania 2012 Anul Caragiale minicoala de 8 timbre + 1 vinieta
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps