Philatelic stamps and accessories, guaranteed quality and excellent prices
Sold out
250.00 lei RONRomania 1872 Carol I Paris ESEU 50B (TIP E)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
250.00 lei RONRomania 1872 Carol I Paris ESEU 25B (TIP E)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
375.00 lei RONRomania 1881 Taxa de plata ESEU 25B pereche (TIP E)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
500.00 lei RONRomania 1862 Principatele unite ESEU Proba albastru tiparire fina (propunerea 3 de desen) (TIP E)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
900.00 lei RONRomania 1869 Carol cu favoriti ESEU 50B Proba de matrita a cadrului RAR!!!! (TIP E)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
75.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 2PAR tip II (fara inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului) (TIP E)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
175.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 2PAR tip I (inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului) (TIP E)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
250.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 20PAR tip II ( fara inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului) (TIP E)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
175.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 20PAR tip I (inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului) (TIP E)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
200.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 5PAR tip I (inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului) (TIP E)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
200.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 5PAR tip I (inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului) portocaliu (TIP E)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
375.00 lei RONRomania 1913 Silistra ESEU 15B (varianta cu minaret intre efigiile domnitorilor si cliseu cu valoare nominala de culoare alba) cu efigiile ranversate (TIP E)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
275.00 lei RONRomania 1913 Silistra ESEU 15B (varianta cu minaret intre efigiile domnitorilor si cliseu cu valoare nominala de culoare alba) (TIP E)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
275.00 lei RONRomania 1913 Silistra ESEU 15B (varianta cu minaret intre efigiile domnitorilor si cliseu cu valoare nominala de culoare alba) (TIP E)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
175.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Cuza ESEU 5PAR tip I (inscriptie Dulos pe fata timbrului) (TIP E)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
2,000.00 lei RONRomania 1872 Carol I Paris set 6 ESEURI (decupaje) val. 1 1/2B, 3B, 5B, 10B, 25B si 50B RAR!!! (TIP E)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
100.00 lei RONClasoare de calitate cu 12 file (24 pagini) (5072)
Stamps MallClasoare SH (second hand). Calitate si stare foarte buna, cu exceptia celor doua mici rupturi din poze. Copertile si paginile clasoarelor sunt din ...
View full details -
Sold out
450.00 lei RONRomania 1939-40 Pentru inzestrarea armatei colite Pro Patria serie completa dantelat + nedantelat (TIP B)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
35.00 lei RONRomania 1946 25 de ani de la infiintarea Filarmonicii Romane bloc x4 (TIP A)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
175.00 lei RONRomania 1958 Sateliti artificiali ai Pamantului triptic supratipar Bruxelles rasturnat vigneta in toate pozitiile bloc x9 (TIP A)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
1,700.00 lei RONRomania Posta Engleza DBSR studiu 51 buc. RAR!! (TIP B)
Stamps MallTimbre Romania, diferite tematici si perioade, clasice, postclasice, moderne, contemporane, actuale
Sold out
Original price 4,500.00 lei RONCurrent price 3,000.00 lei RONRomania 1930 Carol II uzuale filigran PTT serie nedantelata bloc x4 (TIP B)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
50.00 lei RONRomania 1896 Carte postala circulata Galati - Munchen (TIP B)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel
Sold out
100.00 lei RONRomania 1919 Taxa de factagiu/magazinaj Saratuica Gara fragment (TIP B)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel
Sold out
200.00 lei RONRomania 1913 Mandat Postal Silistra Taxa de Plata Constanta - Bucuresti (TIP B)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel
Sold out
200.00 lei RONRomania 1914 Mandat Postal Silistra Taxa de Plata Braila Docuri - Nicoresti (TIP B)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel
Sold out
200.00 lei RONRomania 1914 Mandat Postal Silistra Taxa de Plata Braila Docuri - Bucuresti (TIP B)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel
Sold out
150.00 lei RONRomania 1914 Mandat Postal Silistra Braila Docuri - Iasi (TIP B)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel
Sold out
200.00 lei RONRomania 1914 Mandat Postal Silistra Taxa de Plata Braila Docuri - Galati (TIP B)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel
Sold out
375.00 lei RONRomania 1943 Circulatie Mihai I Uzuale Medias Tarnava Mare - Munchen (TIP B)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel
Sold out
500.00 lei RONRomania 1879 Circulatie Carol I Bucuresti 5B + 10B Craiova - Orsova (TIP B)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel
Sold out
650.00 lei RONRomania 1879 Circulatie Carol I Bucuresti 15B maro Craiova - Orsova (TIP B)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel
Sold out
1,300.00 lei RONRomania 1871 Circulatie Carol cu barba 25B maro Galati - Viena (TIP B)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel
Sold out
200.00 lei RONDoua clasoare timbre straine Franta, Monaco, Vatican, Egipt etc. (TIP A)
Stamps MallWorldwide stamps, different countries, periods and themes
Sold out
950.00 lei RONRomania 1945 Apararea Patriotica Victoria hartie gri serie in bloc x4 (TIP B)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
1,000.00 lei RONRomania 1893-1908 Carol I - Spic de grau, filigran Stema mare, PR, fara filigran, culori schimbate (TIP B)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
400.00 lei RONRomania 1890 Carol Cifra in patru colturi filigran stema mica 50B
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
275.00 lei RONRomania 1890 Carol Cifra in patru colturi filigran stema mica rasturnat 25B RAR (TIP B)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
150.00 lei RONRomania 1890 Carol Cifra in patru colturi filigran stema mica 15B (TIP B)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
275.00 lei RONRomania 1890 Carol Cifra in patru colturi filigran stema mica rasturnat 5B RAR (TIP B)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
275.00 lei RONRomania 1890 Carol Cifra in patru colturi filigran stema mica rasturnat 3B RAR (TIP B)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
125.00 lei RONRomania 1890 Carol Cifra in patru colturi filigran stema mica 1 1/2B (TIP B)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
150.00 lei RONRomania 1890/91 Carol I Cifra in patru colturi fara filigran 3 BANI o margine nedantelata varietate EROARE (TIP B)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
75.00 lei RONRomania 1890 Carol Cifra in patru colturi filigran stema mica 10 BANI Abklatsch (TIP A)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
75.00 lei RONRomania 1890 Carol Cifra in patru colturi filigran stema mica 3 BANI Abklatsch (TIP A)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
25.00 lei RONRomania 1894 Carol I - Cifra in patru colturi filigran PR 25B (TIP B)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
80.00 lei RONRomania 1894 Carol I - Cifra in patru colturi filigran PR 5B (TIP B)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
80.00 lei RONRomania 1894 Carol I - Cifra in patru colturi filigran PR 5B (TIP B)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps