Philatelic stamps and accessories, guaranteed quality and excellent prices
Sold out
250.00 lei RONRomania 1919 Emisiunea Cluj PORTO 30BANI supratipar Regatul Romaniei (TIP A)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
275.00 lei RONRomania 1885-89 Carol I Vulturi hartie colorata 15B brun roscat (TIP D)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
120.00 lei RONRomania 1885-89 Carol I Vulturi hartie colorata 10B rosu (TIP D)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
50.00 lei RONRomania 1885-89 Carol I Vulturi hartie colorata 3B verde-oliv
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
4,900.00 lei RONRomania 1919 Emisiunea Cluj PORTO 1BAN supratipar Regatul Romaniei, tiraj 100buc. RARITATE (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
10.00 lei RONRomania 1915 Timbru de ajutor cu supratipar 5L stampilat (TIP C)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
5.00 lei RONRomania 1915 Timbru de ajutor cu supratipar 5L stampilat (TIP C)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
50.00 lei RONRomania 1915 Timbru de ajutor cu supratipar varietate (TIP C)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
10.00 lei RONRomania 1908 Taxa de factagiu h. alba fara filigran (TIP B)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
10.00 lei RONRomania 1899 Taxa de factagiu filigran V PR intors (TIP B)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
10.00 lei RONRomania 1898 Taxa de factagiu filigran IV PR (TIP B)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
10.00 lei RONRomania 1896 Taxa de factagiu filigran stema mica culori schimbate (TIP B)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
20.00 lei RONRomania 1902 Taxa de plata Emisiunea VIII h. alba subtire colorata roz stampilata (TIP C)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
35.00 lei RONRomania 1898 Taxa de plata Emisiunea VI h. alba aspra stampilata + abklatsch val. 5B (TIP C)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
35.00 lei RONRomania 1890 Taxa de plata Emisiunea V h. alba filigran stema mica stampilata (TIP C)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
25.00 lei RONRomania 1888 Taxa de plata Emisiunea IV h. galbuie stampilata (TIP C)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
15.00 lei RONRomania 1887 Taxa de plata Emisiunea III h. alba stampilata (TIP C)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
35.00 lei RONRomania 1885 Taxa de plata Emisiunea II h. alba stampilata (TIP C)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
35.00 lei RONRomania 1881 Taxa de plata Emisiunea I h. galbuie fara filigran stampilata (TIP C)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
45.00 lei RONRomania 1919-22 Ferdinand bust mare si mic, complet, inclusiv 1L hartie razboi stampilata (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
175.00 lei RONRomania 1919 Posta Romana in Turcia emisiunea I supratipar visiniu (TIP D)
Stamps MallTimbre Romania, diferite tematici si perioade, clasice, postclasice, moderne, contemporane, actuale
Sold out
50.00 lei RONRomania 1876-1879 Carol I Bucuresti I stampilata
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
60.00 lei RONRomania 1885-88 Carol I Vulturi hartie alba stampilata (TIP C)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
35.00 lei RONRomania 1890/91 Carol I Cifra in patru colturi fara filigran stampilata (TIP C)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
60.00 lei RONRomania 1889 Carol I Vulturi filigran stema mica stampilata (TIP D)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
45.00 lei RONRomania 1893-98 Carol I - Spic de grau, filigran PR stampilata (TIP C)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
200.00 lei RONRomania 1898 Carol I - Spic de grau, filigran PR culori schimbate (TIP C)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
100.00 lei RONRomania 1906 Expozitia Generala, Bucuresti stampilata (TIP D)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
175.00 lei RONRomania 1919 Posta Romana in Turcia emisiunea I supratipar negru (TIP D)
Stamps MallTimbre Romania, diferite tematici si perioade, clasice, postclasice, moderne, contemporane, actuale
Sold out
40.00 lei RONRomania 1903 Inaugurarea Palatului P.T.T. - Caisorii stampilat (TIP C)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
275.00 lei RONRomania 1871-72 Carol I cu barba, 10 BANI impresiune defectuoasa T2 stampila FOLTICENI (TIP D)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
300.00 lei RONRomania 1871-72 Carol I cu barba, 10 BANI impresiune defectuoasa T7
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
1,000.00 lei RONRomania 1859 Cap de bour emisiunea a II-a 40PAR albastru pe hartie albastruie stampila FOKSCHANI MOLDOVA
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
900.00 lei RONRomania 1859 Cap de bour emisiunea a II-a 40PAR albastru stampilat
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
900.00 lei RONRomania 1859 Cap de bour emisiunea a II-a 80PAR rosu stampilat pe fragment, margini mari (timbrul prezinta o taietura din stanga jos pana la mijlocul timbrului)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
1,500.00 lei RONRomania 1861 Cap de bour emisiunea a II-a 40PAR albastru-verzui pe hartie alba, tipar ancrasat (TIP E)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
25.00 lei RONRomania 1891 Carol I - 25 ani de domnie stampilata (TIP C)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
275.00 lei RONRomania 1869 Carol I cu favoriti 50B T3 (TIP F)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
15.00 lei RONFrance 1980 Personalities (TIP A)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel
Sold out
15.00 lei RONFrance 1981 Personalities (TIP A)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel
Sold out
15.00 lei RONFrance 1983 Personalities (TIP A)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel
Sold out
20.00 lei RONFrance 1981-84 New Council Headquarters (TIP A)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel
Sold out
6.00 lei RONFrance 1980 Red Cross Amiens Cathedral (TIP A)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel
Sold out
6.00 lei RONFrance 1981 Red Cross Scourges of Passion (TIP A)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel
Sold out
6.00 lei RONFrance 1983 Red Cross Jules Verne (TIP A)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel
Sold out
6.00 lei RONFrance 1982 Red Cross Jules Verne (TIP A)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel
Sold out
4.00 lei RONFrance 1980 Council Headquarters (TIP A)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel
Sold out
25.00 lei RONFrance 1983-85 UNESCO (TIP A)
Stamps MallFDC envelopes, postcards, stamps with first day of issue cancel