Philatelic stamps, different countries, periods and themes, excellent quality and prices
Sold out
700.00 lei RONRomania 1866 Carol I cu favoriti, hartie groasa 20PAR T2 roz inchis (TIP E)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
1,990.00 lei RONChina Vietnam Asia two stockbooks full of stamps (TIP A)
Stamps MallWorldwide stamps, different countries, periods and themes
Sold out
800.00 lei RONRomania 1945 Organizatia Sportului Popular OSP serie in bloc x9 dantelat si nedantelat
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
600.00 lei RONRomania 1952 Jocurile universitare mondiale de iarna supratipar bloc x4 (TIP D)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
650.00 lei RONRomania 1876-1879 Carol I Bucuresti I 30 bani rosu-caramiziu (TIP D)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
275.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Principatele Unite 30PAR tipar de masina straif de 3 timbre O-V-O (TIP F)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
1,500.00 lei RONRomania 1872 Carol I Paris
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
1,200.00 lei RONRomania 1890-91 Carol I - Cifra in patru colturi fara filigran 3B violet cu 5B verde pe verso varietate catalogata RAR!!! (TIP B)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
610.00 lei RONRomania 1872 Carol I cu barba dantelat (TIP F)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
800.00 lei RONRomania 1885-89 Carol I Vulturi hartie colorata (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
450.00 lei RONRomania 1871 Serviciul telegrafic ESEU 2L (TIP E)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
675.00 lei RONRomania 1871-72 Carol I cu barba, 15 BANI rosu lumen alb varietate EROARE T7
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
475.00 lei RONRomania 1879 Carol I Bucuresti II 50 bani bistru-galbui inchis (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
700.00 lei RONRomania 1885-88 Carol I Vulturi hartie alba 5B RAR! (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
1,800.00 lei RONRomania 1920 Emisiunea Ziaristi serie completa anulata cu stampila Kolozsvár - Cluj (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
595.00 lei RONRomania 1917 Ferdinand - necirculate Moscova, nedantelate 2L (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
700.00 lei RONRomania 1919 Emisiuna CLUJ Inundatia 1L pe 25F ultramarin supratipar (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
4,900.00 lei RONRomania 1919 Emisiunea Cluj PORTO 1BAN supratipar Regatul Romaniei, tiraj 100buc. RARITATE (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
1,000.00 lei RONRomania 1859 Cap de bour emisiunea a II-a 40PAR albastru pe hartie albastruie stampila FOKSCHANI MOLDOVA
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
900.00 lei RONRomania 1859 Cap de bour emisiunea a II-a 40PAR albastru stampilat
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
900.00 lei RONRomania 1859 Cap de bour emisiunea a II-a 80PAR rosu stampilat pe fragment, margini mari (timbrul prezinta o taietura din stanga jos pana la mijlocul timbrului)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
1,500.00 lei RONRomania 1861 Cap de bour emisiunea a II-a 40PAR albastru-verzui pe hartie alba, tipar ancrasat (TIP E)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
670.00 lei RONRomania Clasor 64 pagini cu timbre romanesti (TIP A)
Stamps MallStamps from different countries and different periods topics fauna, flora, marine life
Sold out
Original price 1,200.00 lei RONCurrent price 850.00 lei RONRomania 1937 Centenarul nasterii lui Ion Creanga serie nedantelata (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps