Philatelic stamps, different countries, periods and themes, excellent quality and prices
Sold out
1,000.00 lei RONRomania 1935 Carol II - cu POSTA serie nedantelata (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
800.00 lei RONRomania 1938 Straja Tarii Voievozi serie nedantelata (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
750.00 lei RONRomania 1922 Incoronarea regelui Ferdinand I la Alba Iulia valori deparaiate nedantelate, single, pereche, bloc x4
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
650.00 lei RONFrance 1967-1981 Nice Collection of Stamps in SAFE Album (TIP G)
Stamps MallWorldwide stamps, different countries, periods and themes
Sold out
800.00 lei RONRomania 1932 Carol II uzuale filigran CC (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
1,950.00 lei RONRomania 1858 Cap de bour emisiunea a II-a 5PAR negru pe hartie alba (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
1,700.00 lei RONRomania 1859 Cap de bour emisiunea a II-a 40PAR albastru pe hartie alba (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
1,100.00 lei RONRomania 1859 Cap de bour emisiunea a II-a 40PAR albastru pe hartie alba (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
1,500.00 lei RONRomania 1956 Recensamantul val. 1,75L cu centrul ranversat (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
Original price 750.00 lei RONCurrent price 375.00 lei RONRomania 1864 Principatele Unite 30PAR tipar de masina tip I+II+III (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
2,000.00 lei RONRomania 1945 Apararea Patriotica Victoria hartie alba + gri serie in bloc x4 (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
525.00 lei RONRomania 1871-72 Carol I cu barba, 10 BANI impresiune defectuoasa T7 (TIP F)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
625.00 lei RONRomania 1862 Principatele Unite 30PAR tipar de mana hartie vargata orizontal pereche (TIP F)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
1,450.00 lei RONRomania 1948 fratia de arme romano-sovietica 3+3 si 5+5 lei bloc x9 (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
1,950.00 lei RONRomania 1938 Centenarul nasterii regelui Carol I serie nedantelata tiraj 200 buc. (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
1,000.00 lei RONRomania 1939 Ceferiada - 70 ani existenta CFR serie nedantelata tiraj 200 buc. (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
975.00 lei RONRomania 1938 Luna Bucurestilor serie nedantelata, tiraj 200 buc.(TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
1,300.00 lei RONRomania 1906 Expozitia Generala Bucuresti supratipar SE (citeste descrierea)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
Original price 1,000.00 lei RONCurrent price 700.00 lei RONRomania 1948 Jocurile balcanice coala mica de 16 stampila Prima zi a emisiunii (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
Original price 1,200.00 lei RONCurrent price 800.00 lei RONRomania 1948 Al II-lea Congres ARLUS coala mica de 8 (TIP G)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
1,200.00 lei RONRomania 1948 Saptamana Presei Democrate serie cu supratipar
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
3,000.00 lei RONClasor plin cu timbre de ocupatie Debrecen, Cluj, Oradea, Arad, Timisoara, Posta militara germana, Pocutia CMT, Posta bulgara etc. (posibil unele timbre sa fie cu supratipare false)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
2,300.00 lei RONLot 230 serii timbre nestampilate Romania (TIP B)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps
Sold out
650.00 lei RONRomania 1868 Carol I cu favoriti 2B ocru T1 (TIP F)
Stamps MallRomania stamps, different themes and periods, classic, postclassical, modern, contemporary, current stamps